Welcome to the official website of
Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter
of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated...
the first Zeta chapter in the state of Arkansas.
About Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter
In 1938 Clarice Todd Little became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas. Upon returning home after graduation and being full of Zeta spirit and ideals, she began her quest to charter a chapter in Little Rock, Arkansas. Soror Little was determined that returning to Arkansas would not stop her from being part of this great Sorority, so she put her idea in motion. She understood the saying “good ideas are common – what’s uncommon are people who’ll work hard enough to bring them about”. Bound and determined to have her beloved Sisterhood in Arkansas, she began working on her idea fervently.
Soror Little knew that one person could make a difference, but with assistance from others she could move mountains. Initially she thought she was one lone Zeta in Arkansas, but in her quest to bring Zeta to Arkansas she located Annie Cox and Helen Curtis Robinson who attended Morgan College (now known as Morgan State University) in Maryland. These sorors also had aspirations of having a chapter in Arkansas. They shared a kindred spirit and longed for the friendship and fellowship of their sorors like they had known before. Soror Little’s sister, Theresa Roundtree who attended Talladega College, assisted the sorors. Records do not show if she was already a member. The comrades worked tirelessly sharing the word about Zeta until they located interested ladies who became the nucleus of what became Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter.
Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter was born May 18, 1940 at the home of Mrs. Carlene Lewis, 1500 Bishop St., Little Rock, Arkansas. The ceremonial initiation and installation procedures were performed by Past Grand Basileus Lullelia W. Harrison who was Regional Director at the time.
A formal reception was held in honor of the Regional Director and to introduce Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter to friends and well-wishers. The reception was held in the beautiful home of Lula Dubbison, honorary charter member. Soror Clarice Little served as the first Basileus of the Chapter.
The charter members are:
Thelma Burke - Annie M. Cox - Lula Dubisson
C.M. Duncan - Les Doll Foster - Clarice Little
Danice M. Lee - Carlene Lewis - Anita Minton
Helen Robinson - Theresa Roundtree - Georgia Smith
Zenolia Smith - Annie Strong - Versie West
Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter continues to grow and exemplifies the principles of the sorority - Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love and Finer Womanhood. They have been led by outstanding people who served as the Basileus of the chapter. Their role has been to lead ensuring that the chapter functioned effectively. They have served as the leader and spokesperson for the group. They have also served as coaches, cheerleaders and referees for the chapter. Some of the sorors who served in this capacity include the following: Clarice Todd Little, Pinkie Parr, Myrtle Williams, Essie Conway, Estelle Anderson, Vivian Stewart, Anita Williams, Annie Cox, Annie May Gillespie, Helen Robinson, Bobbie Johnson Goodwin, Mable Mitchell, Myrtle Birch, Luella Casson, Dorothy Foster, Helen Simmons, Blicksy Lamb, Bronwyn Pamer, Emma Rhodes, Wanda Jones, Mercedes Alexander, Beverly Cook, Deitra Neely, Colleen Ferguson, Ramonica Pennington, Beverly Cook, and Kindra Clay.