Welcome to the official website of
Alpha Mu Zeta Chapter
of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated...
the first Zeta chapter in the state of Arkansas.
Our Youth Auxiliaries
The mission of the Youth Clubs of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is to provide a carefully designed program of activities that will enhance youth club members through mind, body, and spirit as they work within their various communities to serve and help others.
The Zeta Youth are the future to a bigger and brighter tomorrow. Our role as members of this outstanding sorority is to guide, mentor, and mold our youth to ensure our organizational growth and development. While assisting them to become leaders of tomorrow through the guidance of our nationally designed youth curriculum will developed our youth into leaders and innovators of Science, Technology, Engineer, Arts, and Math (STEAM) .
Our Zeta Youth are divided into three groups:
Pearlettes - girls age 4 through 8
Amicettes - girls age 9 through 13
Archonettes - young ladies age 14 through 18